A Sample RFP for a WebSite Creation and Management
Here is a Sample Request for Proposal or RFP for Designing & Managing ABC Company’s Officers’ Association Website. Why I share this is not because it is an IDEAL RFP that someone can copy and use; it is not and can surely be improved upon…
The Recruitment Process-how do you hook the right fish?
Recruitment Process This article on recruitment is prodded by a post by fellow linkedin member at this URL https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6376808184681689088/ What he has said about recruitment firms is true and required to be done by Recruiters. He said that just as a Recruiter asks a candidate…
.. And Lonely runs the Marathon Man
“The loneliness of the Long Distance Marathon Runner” [This is an essay I wrote just one year ago, in Jan’2017 and before I retired 6 mths later. ] I was on bed, my wife still trying to catch some more sleep as the winter morning…
Home Made Alternates to Haldiram Snacks
These days, High Blood Pressure (B.P.) or Hyper Tension and Cholesterol becoming more noticeable in our health check-ups. Heart Attacks are happening at younger age and no longer the fear of older people alone. Sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise do contribute to these lifestyle but…
Cookies Being Baked
Cookies. How are they made? There are enough recipes on the web to teach how to bake cookies. I am not going to create another post saying the same thing here. rather I share one link here of someone else. https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/ultimate-chocolate-chip-cookies/77c14e03-d8b0-4844-846d-f19304f61c57 Happy Baking Cookies being…
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