Why things never seem to Change- The root cause
A Very Short essay on Corporate Life (excludes Family Owned Businesses): Why things never seem to change? — The root cause. For Change to happen people must participate. Everybody has power in his or her own area to change something that is in his or…
Organisational Terrorism
That day I was hearing a FM jockey say that explosions happen, people die and yet nothing changes. No steps are taken to prevent such recurrences. After the Mumbai Train Explosions RPF strength was found to be miserably low and so it was decided to…
ACCOUNTABILITY and why it does not happen in a PSU? Do we need Unions?
We hear a lot about the Marxists Party CPI (M) and other union activities in areas untouched by unions so long. Like the recent HERO HONDA disturbance in Gurgaon. What are unions required for really? When so long these places have enjoyed without unions, why…
The Good. the Bad & the Ugly
Once upon a time there was a wonderful western movie made by the name of “the Good, the Bad and the Ugly”. It is very easy to understand what is “good”, but the difference between “bad” and “ugly” when used in reference to a type…
The-I -in-me
Can we remove the “I” in ourselves when dealing with other people? I wonder! We have grown to accept, some of us, consciously and some of us unconsciously, that this “I” is an inherent part of our selves. The conscious ones think that without this…
Friendship Among Colleagues
Honestly, I have started feeling now that I am a useless guy and have no work at all. Or else how can I explain my being here online all the time? So today I thought of posting about different type of people in an office…..
Something on Women Colleagues
#metoo #metoo india This is a thought on friendship with women colleagues in office. I had written this long back and am adding this #metoo tag only now after recent developments coming to light of allegations of sexual misconduct by several women against celebrities of…
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