One day the sun will stop Shining One day the rains will stop raining One day the the clock will stop ticking One day the heart will stop beating. There will be no more me. To a new date the calendar page will not change To another day the night will never change There will be no more bitterness There will be no more sickness There will be no more me. One day the heart will stop beating One day the eyes will stop seeing One day the nose will stiop breathing One day the ears will stop hearing There will be no more me. A life spent well A life Spent bad A life spent Wisely A life spent foolishly A life just lived There will be no more me. The baby started crawling The parents smiled The baby grew up and walked The parents smiled. The Baby became a boy The parents started dreaming The Boy grew older The dreams — were they ever met? The Teenager with no thought about life The Teenager just enjoying Life as it came, Soon the Teenager became Adult The parents still smiled. Water flowed under the bridge Time flapped its wings and flew The Adult contiinued growlng older Responsibilities kept increasing Trying to make others happy That we live for others is not a lie Life has its way of taking its toll thereby At the end do we make others happy Is a question better not asked Life only knows when time flies Flapping its wings wide, oh How it flew Innocence of the baby that showed on its face Replaced by wrinkles that appeared on the adult face Flapping its wings wide how Time Flew On a white canvas of life patterns it drew The canvas became cluttered Did not notice till too late Now it does not matter as soon it will all end One day soon all this will end One day soon the birds will not be heard singing Because I won’t be there to hear their songs One day there will be no more me. Why do we take birth If we finally die Waves fall for waves to rise Poet Rabindranath has said Why have waves at all is my bigger question Why spend life if at the end all it does is get spent Why live life if there is nothing for it to show So my dear ones… I wish no tears for me One day there will be no more me. Like the morning dew that vanishes from the grass without a trace One day I will vanish too from the this world’s face No tears for me, no farewell speeches For I have done nothing to deserve your wreaths No missing me no photo frames Wipe me off from your memories Dust to Dust, ashes to ashes Let me just fade away like the morning dew Momentary, ephemeral …..that is truly ME. — My Epitaph —