The rise of virtue signallers on social media
Virtue Signallers Virtue Signallers- This is a new term I learnt today from Chetan Bhagat in his post on TOI Blog . This is the word I was searching for since long and my use of this word is not for social media. I care…
Aadhaar-Privacy of personal data part of right to life
A news item on aadhaar Privacy of Indians, makes us wonder whether our Policy Makers really know what they are doing? This swinging from one end to another like a Pendulum is amazing and only perhaps happen in India. Here in our country we do…
Home Made Alternates to Haldiram Snacks
These days, High Blood Pressure (B.P.) or Hyper Tension and Cholesterol becoming more noticeable in our health check-ups. Heart Attacks are happening at younger age and no longer the fear of older people alone. Sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise do contribute to these lifestyle but…
….. and then Finally you Die.
And then Finally you Die. Oh yes? You will say what is new in this? You already know it? Yes. But did you feel it in your heart anytime? I felt it. I think if we all feel this inside our hearts then the cacophony…
WORK is NOT Work Until Human Interaction Comes into the Scene.
Explanation: First WORK is the activity or the job or the assignment. The work we do to achieve our objectives –either in official lives or personal. Second Work is explained by Physics. Work = Force X Distance. Amount of exertion- physical or mental. The maths…
In the words of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev: What is Destiny? What you refer to as “destiny” are those situations which are going on without your permission; they seem to be unfolding themselves without your intent. I know you have been told that God is making…
Management Activity Simplified
I work only twice a day- Once when I drive to office and once when I drive Back. Why So? Because that is the only time I am in full control of what I am doing, and also fully responsible for my decisions and also…
Cookies Being Baked
Cookies. How are they made? There are enough recipes on the web to teach how to bake cookies. I am not going to create another post saying the same thing here. rather I share one link here of someone else. Happy Baking Cookies being…
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