Photography is where you capture images and to capture images you need light. Light is the most essential aspect of good photography. If you have mastered light you have mastered photography– well nearly so. Now Golden Hour is a term often used in photography and it is the best time to get your photos of your lifetime they say. Of course what they do not say is just shooting anything in the golden hour will not get your lifetime’s shot, you need a good subject too and composition and all the rest that takes a photo to come out as a “WOW” . Yes a viewer must feel ” WOW” when he or she sees a photo. Only then you have got your lifetime’s best.
Anyway let me come back to golden hour. Golden hour is In photography, the golden hour is the period of daytime shortly after sunrise or before sunset. Then there is BLUE HOUR. Blue hour is the period of twilight before sunrise and after sunset.
So Golden hour or Blue Hour it all boils down to the Sunrise and Sunset. And this post is about Sunrise and Sunsets.
Never knew there were so many Sunrises or Sunsets !!!
Civil, Nautical, Astronomical and yet one more Official.
A brief———-The sun is no small object so it takes a while to cross the horizon. Does daylight officially begin when the sun starts to come up, or when the whole thing is above the horizon?
Most of us would say that the sun comes up when it crosses the horizon �?? makes sense, right? Because just before then, it�??s still dark and when the sun rises, it�??s light! But, no, scientists show us a different story. Since the sun is quite large, it naturally takes time to rise above the horizon.
There are three official answers to when twilight occurs. Civil is when people are still out and about enjoying the remaining light. Nautical is when the sailors can no longer rely on the horizon to guide them, and astronomical is for astronomers and adventurous photographers who have the equipment and patience for capturing the moon and the stars.
Or in other words, the three types of Sunrises / Sunsets depend on who is doing the declaring of the timings.
Civil twilight officially begins in the morning and ends at night when the geometric center of the sun is six degrees below the horizon line. At such times, the brightest starts will just be visible under normal atmospheric conditions, and you should still be able to see terrestrial objects clearly. This is also about the time you would generally turn on your car’s headlights or need artificial lights to see in the evening. It’s the time most people call “dusk.”
Nautical Twilight: is the time when the center of the sun is between 6° and 12° below the horizon. During nautical twilight the illumination is such that the horizon is still visible even on a Moonless night, allowing mariners to take reliable star sights for navigational purposes, hence the name. “First light” and “last light” or “nightfall�?? after civil dusk generally refer to the nautical twilight. When color first shows in the east in the morning and disappears from the western sky at night you can say that nautical twilight has occurred. Beyond this, most people would consider it to be dark.
Astronomical twilight is darker still and happens when the center of the sun is a full eighteen degrees below the horizon. As the name implies, this is mostly of interest to astronomers. There is no color in the sky during astronomical twilight, but there is still enough faint light to make nebula, galaxies and other diffuse objects hard to see in a telescope.
So there you are. Confused? Or Enlightened? I am enlightened.