ShantanuDas blogger shares his knowledge from his diverse experiences in life here in this website of his
A Sample RFP for a WebSite Creation and Management
Motivation in Real Life
Startup Brand Marketing
The Recruitment Process-how do you hook the right fish?
Knowledge Belongs to Mankind
Success Mantra, Part-1
.. And Lonely runs the Marathon Man
Golden Hour & other hours respective to sunrise or sunset in Photography
The rise of virtue signallers on social media
Aadhaar-Privacy of personal data part of right to life
Aadhaar-Privacy of personal data part of right to life
Home Made Alternates to Haldiram Snacks
….. and then Finally you Die.
WORK is NOT Work Until Human Interaction Comes into the Scene.
Management Activity Simplified
Cookies Being Baked
About this Blog
Which is the best Love?
What Makes a Man?
Bright Star Calling
Unshackle My Chains……
Paradox of Life
Why do we Marry Sir? (Youngster to me)
Life is About being Still…….
Thoughts and Sharing
Mind is like a Cobweb
No Tears for me- My Epitaph
A Wish ??? Really what is a Wish??
Endless Time
‘How Do I Love Thee’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Lifetime Flows by…
Lateral Thinking
Rich vs Tax-Payer
Too Much Technology
Why things never seem to Change- The root cause
Definition of Middle Class
Organisational Terrorism
The Fire Within
Why Argue?
ACCOUNTABILITY and why it does not happen in a PSU? Do we need Unions?
Oh! for a life of softness
Honesty and Dishonesty- Part- 1
The Good. the Bad & the Ugly
Relationships- The Differences essentially
The-I -in-me
Friendship Among Colleagues
Something on Women Colleagues